Feedback: Amal Invest šŸ†•

Hi Yazin, I was wondering about two features:

  • The ETA on the UI White/Blacklist
  • The fund details, stock weightings, and performance vs. filtered.

I see both of these are upcoming in the product roadmap but do we have an ETA on them?

Thanks as always for your hard work on this!

Thanks @MohamedAbdelKhalik !

Planned for Monday

A bit later out, after finishing the ones above and a couple more. Feel free to references in the interim till this is ported over :+1:

Deployed yesterday:

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Issues highlighted by @Hussain:

:hourglass: Pending: Dividends discrepancy vs Alpaca

:hourglass: Pending: Additional investment 2023-09-04T21:00:00Z allocated funds to MSFT despite disabling Doubtful stocks for that portfolio

:white_check_mark: Fixed (6 Sep, 2023)

:hourglass: Pending: Allocation of funds to a few overweight stocks (beyond their Target %), despite their being other underweight stocks

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That should trigger a notification email for liquidation, right? is it a fixed-date scheduled process or whenever a stock turns non-compliant should trigger the sell-off process (and the new re-investing feature :slight_smile: ) regardless of date/other stocks?


Any progress on this issue?
Because I noticed that the charts are not even showing last close data :confused:

Another thing, I believe that the cost basis should be different in each new investment, depending on the stocks prices, but the current charts data are only showing a fixed cost basis amount.

Really appreciate you hard work & efforts

On mobile, The pie chart is masking the ā€œcreate fundā€ button beneath it, and the available cash :moneybag: headline.

Even if viewed in landscape mode, it masks them and the list of funds.

:white_check_mark: Fixed, thanks!

I noticed since the new version launched and I created my new filtered funds that I havenā€™t received any reports via email or on the activity log on the website regarding Sharia compliance and portfolio rebalance.

Weird, Iā€™m checking that nowā€¦

Update: Should be resolved now. Please check and let me know @MohamedAbdelKhalik. There was a bug fix I pushed to address the ā€œCancelā€ button acting as a ā€œSaveā€, as well as another issue thatā€™s related to this.

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Thanks Yazin, the non-compliant email received but still no updates regarding the rebalancing of the portfolio.

@yazin Will you be adding auto reinvest feature for the dividends as well? Also, can you please add the option to rename the fund?

I probably missed it, but how often is the compliance report generated? It would be helpful to mention the refresh interval in user or fund settings.


Adding a few things I received via DM:

:hourglass: Pending: Dividends not showing up in Activity Log (ideally, you suggest they should show up in monthly groupings)

:hourglass: Pending: Calendar doesnā€™t work on mobile

:white_check_mark: Fixed (26 Sep, 2023)

:sparkles: Feature: Canā€™t modify recurring buyā€™s, only cancel (This is actually by design, but no reason we canā€™t change that)

Hey Yazin, is there any updates on when portfolio rebalancing will be available

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@yazin I noticed that the pie chart is incorrect. Both of my funds are the same, but the pie chart shows it as 2 different funds:

It should be FDGRX as 100%, right?

Also, towards every midnight, the portfolio value of the line chart is incorrect:

Thanks for your feedback, @atif!

Yes, thatā€™s a pending task on me to resolve

:hourglass: Pending: Debug issue with pie chart display

Pushed a fix for this yesterday can you please confirm this is no longer an issue?

Prioritizing it for this week inshallah :+1:

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The issue seems to have been resolved. Jazakā€™Allaah!

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Still persisting for me.

Hey @yazin, the rebalance feature is asking me to sell. I was wondering if thereā€™s a rebalance that just adjusts the filtered fund according to the underlying fund for my next investment (so it balances by purchasing over time rather than selling). Or does that happen automatically? If yes, is it possible to know how often the filtered fund is adjusted for the next investment to replicate the underlying fund?

Does that make sense, itā€™s a bit difficult to explain :smile:

It happens automatically. We rebalance your portfolio every time you buy/sell into a filtered fund.

Iā€™m not sure I understand what you mean by this. Rebalancing resets the positions in a filtered fund to exact target weights. It does this by selling overweight positions and buying underweight ones with the resulting funds. When you invest in a fund, we allocate funds to the underweight positions to, in an attempt to bring them to their target weights. When you withdraw, we take money out of overweight positions first.

Whether you achieve a ā€œperfect rebalanceā€ depends on how much you invest/withdraw. The higher the amount, the closer we can get. Hope that helps!